Easily one of the most faery tail locations to be found anywhere in Australia let alone Victoria, Lower Kalimna Falls is found deep in the Otways national park fringing the seaside tourist village of Lorne.

Centuries in the making, a pristine waterfalls curtains a deep cavernous enclave allowing visitors to walk behind the white water tumbling from above.

You can feel the energy and spirit of this unique and special place emanating from every corner of this scene.

Most definitely one to add to your bucket list.     



@kieran.wicks #360Camera #CameraTrick #editingmagic #VirtualReality #GoPro #Anotherworld #RomanticGetaways #romance #Waterfall #SlowMotion #LittlePlanet ♬ The Longing by Kieran Wicks - Kieran.Wicks


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