The Largest Crocodile Ever Caught! - Krys The Savannah King - Normanton QLD

Proof of Life  Burke & Wills Camp 119 Gulf of Carpenteria QLD Explorers Historical Information SignCONICAL SEA SHELL SCULPTURE ARTWORK AT PORTLAND FORESHORE PARK, VICTORIA AUSTRALIA

Gravity - Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee
Shot in 1957 on the banks of the Norman River, Krys of the Savannah is a life sized replica of the largest crocodile ever caught.
Kieran Wicks demonstrating the size of the jaws of Krys, King of the Savannah the largest crocodile ever caught. Normanton in the Gulf Carpenteria

Star Tracer - Eco-Friendly Athletic Hoodie

Information Sign of the History of Krys the Savannah King

Dark Hydra - Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee 

Crocodile Skeleton fossil Darwin Museum NT Crocodylus ParkCrocodile warning sign near a waterhole in QueenslandThe Story of Howard Jones & IXL Jams - Hobart TAHisotrical information sign with factory layout diagramView from top of Mt Panorama race circuit in Bathurst GOLD RUSH STORIES - PART 9 - VENTURING WEST - BATHURST; FIRST SETTLEMENT WEST OF THE DIVIDE
Proof of Life  Burke & Wills Camp 119 Gulf of Carpenteria QLD Explorers Historical Information Sign Blaze Trees

 The Rules Have Changed by Kieran Wicks - Live Acoustic Rendition - Sunset on the Murray River near Echuca Victoria

Crocodile Skin price list from 1969
Crocodile Skin price list from 1969
The Gulf of the Savannah historical poster in Normaton QLD
Kieran Wicks taking photos for One Town at a Time on the Banks of the creek at Walkers Crossing near Normanton QLD

Goldeneye - Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee

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A polymathic touring musician, film maker, historian and producer, for the past 8 years Kieran Wicks has navigated the Great Southern Land of Australia performing hundreds of shows to ravenous audiences, whilst simultaneously developing a vast catalogue of interviews, images and videos in the production of multiple formative docuseries including 'One Town at a Time', which records his musical journey, immersed in poignant, forgotten Australian history and poetry, in archives such as 'Gold Rush Stories' and 'Poetry of the Pioneers'.

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