The Story Of The Dog On The Tucker Box - Gundagai, South West Slopes Nsw

On the road to Gundagai no less, the Dog on the Tuckerbox is a tale of persevering pioneer spirit.
Inspired initially by a poem by a fellow by the name of Bowyang Yorke who published a poem called Bullocky Bill back in 1857. It was about one of his mates Bullocky Bill who was having a rather bad day. He got his bullock wagon bogged in the mud and couldn’t get it out no matter how hard he tried. So he decide to knock off and have a bite to eat. But he found his dog perched up on his tuckerbox and all his mated thought that it was a great laugh”
The folklore surrounding the dog on the tuckerbox has a lot to do with the persevering pioneer spirit. In the 1920’s a poet by the name of Jack Moses popularised the story with his poem “9 miles from Gundagai” But the oldest poem is one called Bullocky Bill.
@kieran.wicks #answer to @kieran.wicks #Gundagai #OneTownataTime #AustralianHistory #Dog #Bullock #Pioneers #ArtHistory #Folklore #Historian #Sculpture #TouringMuso ♬ original sound - Kieran.Wicks
ayaka Raustralia Digital Art Red Sky - Bullocky Bill by Bowyang Yorke Poem Poetry of the PioneersThe Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSW

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The Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSWThe Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSWThe Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSW

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The Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSW
The Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSW

Gravity - Unisex Heavy Cotton TeeThe Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSWThe Dog on the Tuckerbox Statue Memorial in Gundagai South West Slopes of NSW
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A polymathic touring musician, film maker, historian and producer, for the past 8 years Kieran Wicks has navigated the Great Southern Land of Australia performing hundreds of shows to ravenous audiences, whilst simultaneously developing a vast catalogue of interviews, images and videos in the production of multiple formative docuseries including 'One Town at a Time', which records his musical journey, immersed in poignant, forgotten Australian history and poetry, in archives such as 'Gold Rush Stories' and 'Poetry of the Pioneers'.

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