Kiama South Coast NSW Lighthouse ANZAC Memorial One Town at a Time

Kiama Lighthouse - South Coast NSW

Gravity - Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee
NEW DIMENSIONS – THE HAMSTER WHEEL & THE LOOKING GLASS Little PLanet GO Pro 360 Melbourne City Scape from Federation square Victoria


@kieran.wicks #question from @kieran.wicks #OneTownataTime #TouringMusician #Historian #Kiama #Lighthouse #TourDiary #SouthCoast #Tourguide ♬ original sound - Kieran.Wicks
Kieran Wicks Pelican statue in Kiama South Coast NSW

Kiama – Wow!!!

Crawling with tourists. I guess it is easily marketed as a must see destination within a couple of hours drive south of Sydney. It's really easy to see why. One of those rare places I come across where I can picture myself actually living there.

Panoramic view of Kiama from the north looking south.Kiama Showground from Kiama Lighthouse

Lots of motorbike riders taking in the scenery, cruising the rolling hills that meet the sea at this coastal town, hugging several bays along the coastline, surrounded by agricultural dairy and cattle farms. 

Kiama Centrepoint building sign South Coast NSWThe Largest Canyon in the Southern Hemisphere - Capertee Canyon Blue Mountains NSWKiama Beach and Caravan Park South Coast NSWKiama Ocean Baths South Coast NSW

A thriving town centre well serviced with cafes, restaurants and bars and plenty of all kinds of accommodation. Reminiscent of the vibe of Port Stephens / Nelson Bay area, but not so tropical or protected, certainly more rugged and exposed and many more views to take in given the mountainous terrain and the view north from Kiama Point Blow hole offering westerly views of the northern coastline.

Looking North from Kiama on the South Coast of NSW

Kiama Westpac Bank South Coast NSW Heritage BuildingKiama Council Chambers South Coast NSW Heritage BuildingKiama Council Chambers and Obelisk South Coast NSW Heritage Building

Kiama Obelisk South Coast NSW Terralong St

An old obelisk that had a run in with a run away truck and subsequentlky relocated to what seemed like not a very safe spot either.

Kiama Obelisk South Coast NSW Historical information signPelican Statue, Kiama SOuth Coast NSW

Kiama Lighthouse, South Coast NSW ANZAC Memorial

The perilous stretch of rugged coastline is watched over by the historic Kiama  Lighthouse, adorned with tribute to the 100 year anniversary of the Great War.

First exhibited in 1887, the lighthouse was designed by EO Moriarty, the engineer in chief for New South Wales Harbours and Rivers. 

In 1920 the light was converted from a fixed green light to the flashing white using automatic acetylene gas operation and subsequently demanned.

The adjacent light keepers residence was later removed.

In 1969 the light began operating using mains electricity with battery back up.

Kiama Lighthouse, South Coast NSW ANZAC Memorial

Construction - Cement rendered brick

Range 31klms (17 nautical miles)

Height of Structure - 16m

Elevation of Light - 36m

Character - White Group Flashing

Intensity - 28,000 candles

Kiama Lighthouse, South Coast NSW ANZAC Memorial

Kiama Lighthouse Historical information signKiama Lighthouse Keepers Pilot's Cottage Museum
Kiama Harbour South Coast NSW Fishing off of Pier Beach in Distance One Town at a TimeHOW DO YOU MOLD A MIND LIKE HENRY LAWSON'S - GOLD RUSH STORIES - PART 32

Gravity - Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee
Kiama Lighthouse, South Coast NSW ANZAC Memorial View from Little Blowhole looking north with lighthhouse in the distance
Kiama Coast Walk sign South Coast NSWTHE MAN MADE HARBOUR AND THE BIRTH OF THE BLUE METAL INDUSTRY - KIAMA, SOUTH COAST NSW - Seagulls lined up on roof of Kiama Fish Co-Op Fishing Trawlers in HarbourKieran Wicks performing live in 7HO FM Radio in Hobart Tasmania
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A polymathic touring musician, film maker, historian and producer, for the past 8 years Kieran Wicks has navigated the Great Southern Land of Australia performing hundreds of shows to ravenous audiences, whilst simultaneously developing a vast catalogue of interviews, images and videos in the production of multiple formative docuseries including 'One Town at a Time', which records his musical journey, immersed in poignant, forgotten Australian history and poetry, in archives such as 'Gold Rush Stories' and 'Poetry of the Pioneers'.

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