Can You Imagine Life Without Art?
- How important is art in your life?
- How does art define your life?
- How much has art taught you about your world?
- How much understanding has art given your life?

Performing at the Legendary KC's Bar & Grill Airlie Beach, Queensland
In the Beginning...
What starts with a child-like fascination and wonder leads to thirst to know more, which turns into wanting to give it a go yourself, which leads to what starts out as a casual hobby that becomes a passion, and passions become all-encompassing lifestyles.
Curiosity is key!
If your tools are toys then you play every day.
If you’re lucky it becomes a place to find solace in introspection, contributing substance and purpose to life.

You start buying all the gear you need. At first, it’s all about getting in the game, getting the equipment you need to facilitate the adventure.
You learn the skills and start to get a grasp on what you need and how to use these new tools / toys.
Put the hours in. Fail… Go backwards before going forwards.
Shadow in the sand, Lake Wabby on Fraser Island Queensland
Fail, learn, fail, learn… take pride in growth that’s measurable… results that are tangible.
Gravitate towards inspiring mentors. Aspire and continue to aspire then aspire some more…
Emulate the masters, pick and choose the flavors colours and texture. Beg, borrow and steal.
Travel your own roads, collect your own stories, find your own voice, monetise your art, become a master-craftsmen, tell your own tale…
With the sage Lindsay Osborne at Studios 301
Rinse and repeat…
Embody the living art lifestyle, the love of your life!