Parkes War Memorial Obelisk and Battery Gun The Dog Whistler by Kieran Wicks - Live Acoustic Performance

The Dog Whistler by Kieran Wicks

The Bombing of Darwin memorial plaque and information sign in Darwin Northern TerritoryLouisa Lawson The Dawn Gold Rush Stories Part 30 - Was a Patent Infringement the Catalyst for the demise of the most influential Womens rights publication of the late 1800s

Blessed are the meek,
Who do unto, unto me
Blessed are the seeds,
Of those who take the lead.
I know you’re a simple man
So, I’ll use small words that you’ll understand
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind
Didn’t your mumma teach you wrong from right?
Like Pavlov’s Dog you’re led astray, they
Ring your bell and you salivate.
The Pied Piper is playing your song
You’re brought to heel,
As you whistle along
Dog Eat Dog
Listen boy come here,
Have you heard the latest fear?
That dog there wants your bone
It’s written here in stone
I know you’re a simple man
So, I’ll use small words that you’ll understand
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind
Didn’t your mumma teach you wrong from right?
Like Pavlov’s Dog your led astray, they
Ring your bell and you salivate.
The Pied Piper is playing your song
You’re brought to heel,
As you whistle along
Dog Eat Dog
To sleeping dogs they lie,
Old tricks to justify
But every dog has it’s day
When the tale of love is chased
I know you’re a simple man
So, I’ll use small words that you’ll understand
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind
Didn’t your mumma teach you wrong from right?
Like Pavlov’s Dog your led astray, they
Ring your bell and you salivate.
The Pied Piper is playing your song
You’re brought to heel,
As you whistle along
They’re Dog Whistlers
They’re Dog Whistlers
They’re Dog Whistlers
Dog Eat Dog



@kieran.wicks #question from @kieran.wicks #DogWhistle #Liar #Propaganda #Pavlov #PiedPiper #Songwriter #Singer #SimpleMan #LivingArtLifestyle #Politics #Auspol ♬ The Dog Whistler by Kieran Wicks - Kieran.Wicks

Goldeneye - Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee

Old Dubbo Gaol - Central West NSW - Bronze sign embedded in footpath with Gaol logo tourist attraction


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A polymathic touring musician, film maker, historian and producer, for the past 8 years Kieran Wicks has navigated the Great Southern Land of Australia performing hundreds of shows to ravenous audiences, whilst simultaneously developing a vast catalogue of interviews, images and videos in the production of multiple formative docuseries including 'One Town at a Time', which records his musical journey, immersed in poignant, forgotten Australian history and poetry, in archives such as 'Gold Rush Stories' and 'Poetry of the Pioneers'.

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